Kate’s Career Journey

Kate Dupont, 38, from Wolverhampton, is a caregiver with Fairway Homecare after completing Embark Learning Care Academy’s SWAP ‘My Care Portfolio’, and is married with three children.

How did you come to be looking for work?
I used to volunteer in a Women’s Refuge and spent two years doing that up until 2018, then I went back to college to do my English and Maths. I got a job in a call centre, but I didn’t stay long because it wasn’t for me as I’m a people person and need to work face-to-face.

Then I went into waitressing but Covid came along and I lost my job, so I ended up on Universal Credit because I was out of work. When I signed up I explained what I was looking for in a career and was then forwarded an email to see if I wanted to do a training course with Embark Learning and become a care worker.

How did the experience work?
I did four weeks’ training, doing Health and Social Care Level One. Then, once restrictions released a little, I went to the office in Sutton Coldfield to learn manual handling and lifesaving CPR. After an interview I was put on the books with Fairway.

You’ve been doing this for almost a year. How has it panned out?
It’s brilliant. The majority of my hours are in a nursing home with people with mild to severe complex care needs like dementia. It’s not for everyone but I love it. It’s very rewarding, making people feel better. I love being there in the morning when they wake up and putting them to bed at night. I was even nominated for a care award at the Great British Care Awards.

And what are your ambitions now?
I want to be a nurse. I want to be the best I can be, progress up the ladder as far as I can. I’ve grown in confidence so much over the past year and this is not where I want my journey to end.
